My Project
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Homestay Management System
Homestay management system that can input data, search data, edit data, book rooms, edit room booking status, and delete hotel room data.
GithubProcessing Image
Image processing includes scaling, rotation, flipping, and translation. Images are often converted to grayscale for analysis. Calculating the RGB matrix helps to understand the distribution of colors in an image.
GithubChordBot Telegram
Telegram bot created to easily search for guitar chords of a song. Chordbot is created using the python programming language and uses botfather to get api tokens.
GithubWeb Encryption using Vigenere Chiper
An encryption web created to encrypt document files using the vigenere chiper with encryption keys permanently assigned to the web system.
GithubMachine Learning Classification
Analyzing and classifying to estimate whether an employee has a tendency to resign from his/her job or not (Yes/ No). Classification is done using various machine learning models namely Decision Tree, Naive Bayes, Random Forest, K-NN, MLP and SVM.
GithubEvolving Neural Network
The `EvolvingNN` program for optimizing neural networks uses a genetic algorithm. Starting with a random neural network population, the program evaluates and selects the best individual based on RMSE, performs crossover and mutation, and generates an optimized neural network. The performance of each generation is recorded and displayed in a graph.
GithubGenetic Algorithm to solve the Knapsack
Implementation of a genetic algorithm to solve the knapsack problem. This problem aims to select items with specific weights and values so that the total weight does not exceed the maximum capacity of the backpack, but the total value is maximized. The program searches for the combination of items that gives the maximum value within the existing capacity limit.
GithubMachine learning using K-Means Clustering
Machine learning using K-Means Clustering on public dataset "Iris Dataset" sourced from kaggle.
GithubMachine learning using Naive Bayes Classifier
Machine learning using Naive Bayes Classifier with GaussianNB on public dataset "Iris Dataset" sourced from kaggle.
Machine learning using K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Algorithm
Machine learning using Naive Bayes Classifier with KNeighborsClassifier model from sklearn library on public dataset "Iris Dataset" sourced from kaggle.
GithubSentiment Analysis using NBC
Sentiment analysis using Naive Bayes Classifier on LGBT data obtained from crawling twitter data. Sentiment analysis aims to classify public opinion on twitter about LGBT whether negative or positive.
GithubSentiment Analysis of #LGBT Twitter Trending using KNN Classifier Method
Sentiment Analysis of #LGBT twitter trending using KNN Classifier method is done in the form of a team, I with 4 of my friends do sentiment analysis starting from crawling data, cleaning, labeling to classification.
GithubEnha Plate
Enha Plate is a plate recognition technology used to detect and recognize characters on vehicle license plates. The system utilizes image processing algorithms and artificial intelligence to automatically read and identify vehicle license plate numbers, which is useful in various applications such as automated parking systems, traffic monitoring, and security surveillance.
GithubDetection of Anthracnose using CNN
Anthracnose detection using CNN involves applying Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to identify and classify anthracnose disease in red chili images. By training CNNs on images of healthy and infected red chili peppers, the model learns to recognize characteristic patterns and symptoms of anthracnose. This approach enables accurate and automated detection, helping in early diagnosis and effective disease management in red chili plants.